Vol#14 The positive effect of practicing Bonsai
Hello everyone!
Growing bonsai can be demanding, but there are also many pleasures to be found. What’s more, there are also many benefits that c...
Vol#13 Christmas Tree and Bonsai
Hello everyone.
We have entered December and Christmas trees can now been seen all around Japan. I am pretty sure many people have been decorating...
Vol#12 Kibataraki (気働き)
気働き(きばたらき) “Kibataraki”
Hello everyone.
This time I would like to talk a little bit about the artisans’ culture in Japan and bonsai craftsmen.
Vol#11 Bonsai Styles - Part Two
Part Two: Cascade and Semi Cascade
Last time, we tried to identify and understand the chokkan, shakan and moyogi styles.
In this time’s contin...
Vol#10 Bonsai Styles - Part One
You may have heard of many different style names when starting bonsai. From slanting or shakan, informal upright to moyogi; full cascade or kengai...
Vol#9 Pruning Bonsai
Vol #9 Written by Yusuke Ogawa
This time, I would like to explain the importance of pruning your bonsai.
■To keep the trees healthy In gener...
第三代盆栽雕刻工具鐵匠 Tai先生
Vol#8 The Bonsai Seasons
Vol #8 Written by Yusuke Ogawa
Like vegetables, fruits, and fishing, there is a proper season for each bonsai tree. The Plum, a celebration d...
Vol#7 How Do I choose a Bonsai Pot?
Vol #7 Written by Yusuke Ogawa
Bonsai is the result of balancing the tree and the pot containing it.
The tradition states that bonsai pots shoul...
Vol#6 盆栽之道 - 真的很難嗎?
Vol #6 Written by Yusuke Ogawa
第三代盆栽剪刀工匠 重先生
新潟縣的燕三條市被許多人譽為日本最多 CEO 的城市。這是因為該地區非常具有創業精神,擁有許多小型家族經營的金屬加工企業。在這裡,工藝價值已經傳承了幾個世紀,您可以在他們創造的每一件產品中看到對傳統的熱愛和對技藝的精湛掌握。
Vol#5 Bonsai in The Little Prince
Vol #5 Written by Yusuke Ogawa
Today I want to talk about the book The Little Prince and how it relates to bonsai. Have you ever read this book,...